Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ultra StreetFighterIV - Decapre Subtitles

As requested, we've got the subtitles for Decapre's closing credits here - Enjoy!

Decapre - しょうがいぶつのかつどうを停止する。
"I will cease all activity."

Cammy - ディカープリ!!

Decapre - …キラービー!!あ、ああああああ!
"Killer Bee!! A, aaaaaa!!"

Cammy - ケッ!止めるんだ!
"Whoa! You've gotto stop it!!"

Decapre - お前を消す!ここで消してやる!ぜんぶ!
"I'm going to erase the past! Erase it right here! Everything!"

Cammy - お前、やはり… 洗脳は解けて
"In the past ... We were brainwashed"

Decapre - センノウ?そんなの知らない!嘘つき!お前なんか嫌い!嫌い嫌い嫌い!グッ
"Brainwashed? I don't know anything about that. It's a lie. Before this I was hate! Hate, hate, hate. "

嫌い。お前が嫌い、お前の顔も嫌い。お前を消して… 消さなきゃ…消さな、きゃ … …
"Hate. Before I was hate, before I hated my face too. I must erase the past... Must erase... Erase, must ... ...."

Cammy - ‼︎ これは … …!
"What happened!"

Dictator - 偶然だと思うか。
"Such a coincidence don't you think?"
フッフッ … … そやつは死ぬ。
"He he ... ... That you'll die together."

Cammy - なんだと… …‼︎

Dictator - だが、我がもとに戻るならば、あるいは。
"Or, I could allow to return yourself to me."

Decapre - … … 若いしの?
… … 大丈夫 … … 大丈夫 … …
"... ... Aren't we young?
... ... It's ok ... ... It's ok ... ..."

Dictator - フ、同じ顔をもつ貴様が看取ってやるのも、
"Hm, I alone can give you back that same face."

Decapre - … 大丈夫 … お姉ちゃんが、ここにいるよ。
"It's ok now sister, I'm here and safe."

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