Thursday, July 31, 2014

GAO - Shinjuku, Kabukicho

5 years fumbling aroun Tokyo completely missed this one.

Tucked away on a side street in Kabukicho, chances are most visitors will miss this place simply trying to avoid sex touts in the area. Nevertheless, definitely worth searching out.

Tekken, Street Fighter and Taiko are pretty much the only things going on gamewise, but overwhelmingly you're going to want to check this place out just for the competition. Located in the heart of Kabukicho means that scouts, hosts and hostesses all come here during lunch breaks to game - and they are all good. Real good. Personally it's the most authentic of gaming experiences to go head to head with a dude in a tuxedo playing claw on Street Fighter. Or an Anna/Nina player in an evening gown.

Definitely worth supporting - 4 songs on Taiko for 100¥ is phenomenally good value for money.

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